New research shows that parasites not only control the behavior of their hosts, they can change entire ecosystems to suit their needs. According to the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion people suffer from some type of parasitic infection. Many live in the United States.

What are parasites?

A human parasite would be any sort of foreign, microscopic organism that essentially uses your body to breed and survive. Intestinal parasites are organisms that live in your digestive tract. Although not strictly a bowel disorder, parasites thrive in an unhealthy, unclean intestine. When the bowel contains partially digested proteins, it can harbor an amazing variety of harmful bacteria and parasites.


Virtually all parts of our bodies will host some type of parasite within our lifetimes. Parasitic infestation of the bodies of humans has reached epidemic proportions, representing a major health challenge that is often overlooked by medical professionals. There is a tendency to only treat the symptoms—chronic fatigue, skin rashes, muscle and joint pain, weakened immune system, forgetfulness, food allergies, colitis, water retention, and many others—without considering that parasites may be the root cause of health problems. Most doctors are not trained to recognize the symptoms associated with parasitic infections. The only way to avoid the problems associated with parasite infections is by educating yourself. Self health means keeping yourself healthy. Doing it yourself!

Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph. D., N.D. States in her book, The Cure for all Diseases, “No matter how long and confusing the list of symptoms a person has, from chronic fatigue to infertility to mental problems, I am sure to find only two things wrong: they have in them pollutants and/or parasites. I never find lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, hormone levels or anything else to be a primary causative factor.”

Many people take bottles and bottles of the best nutritional supplements, but then can’t understand why they don’t work. Often this is because the parasites are getting the best nutrients! You get the “scraps and leftovers” while they grow healthy and fat and your organs starve for nutrition. A silent battle is waging at all times within your body – a battle between YOU and the PARASITES! You swallow the food and they get the good out of it. Maybe this is the reason you have never felt great in spite of eating the most nutritious meals.

Some things you may be dealing with:

  • Microscopic parasites can get into your joints and eat the calcium linings of the bone. This can lead to arthritis.
  • Parasites can eat the protein coating on the nerves (myelin sheath). This causes a disruption in the nerve signal from the brain.
  • Many times when a person has an inflamed appendix, it is removed and found to be loaded with parasites.
  • Microscopic parasites can live in every organ of the body and contribute to just about any disease known to man.
  • They can make Swiss cheese out of your organs. Worm infections can cause physical trauma by perforating (burrowing) the intestines, the circulatory system, the lungs, the liver or the whole bodies.
  • Parasites give off metabolic waste products that poison our bodies. Most have trouble disposing of the toxins that are re-absorbed through the intestines. Your body has to work twice as hard to remove these toxic waste products.
  • They can erode, damage, or block certain organs by lumping together in balls or tumors. They can be mistaken for cancer tumors, and travel into the brain, heart, and lungs.

Not all parasites are menacing:

Some living things that park themselves on or in our bodies actually perform a service. One example is the relatively harmless tooth amoeba. Brushing your teeth won’t drive these tiny squatters out; they run for cover when they see a toothbrush, then happily emerge to feast on microscopic bits of food or other organic material. This kind of relationship between host and parasite is called “mutualism”. Another less than dangerous parasite is the dust mite. Although they can cause allergies, dust mites operate as a sort of cleanup crew for our skin. They march about on our skin and scalps all day, scarfing up dead skin cells. Combine the invisible guests such as worms and bacteria with visible ones like fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, lice and flies—all of whom feed on human blood or tissue—and it’s easy to get a little paranoid about being host to an army of parasites!


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